Tuesday, June 17, 2008

From "Embarassing Massage Questions". Really??

This is from an article Cathy Wong wrote for the Alternative Health section of About.com:
"What if I realize I've drooled during the massage? Many people fall into a peaceful slumber during the massage but when they wake up, they notice a pool of drool on the pillow or massage table. This is very common. It often happens when people are being massaged while lying face down on the massage table. Don't be afraid to ask the massage therapist for a tissue."

In all my years as a massage therapist, I have never seen or heard the "drool" question. As a client I have experienced it. I remember drooling once during a massage and then trying to wipe it up to conceal the evidence. Looking back I think how silly that was. I know the massage therapist who was working on me would have taken it completely in stride, as I would as a therapist. I believe most massage therapists wouldn't be phased in the least by drool. At the Best Massage Ever Spa, we use disinfecting wipes in the "drool zone" after each client.

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