This past week, I gave a talk on the essentials of good skin care at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. In my talk, I mentioned how things I read sometimes inspire my postings to this blog. Just now I was reading about a line of organic skin care products. Green! Green Green! Interested? You bet. They must be good for me, right? Not so fast. As I stated in my talk, just because a product is labeled or marketed as organic, doesn't mean it's good for us. Well, I did some research into this super-premium organic skin care line. I began by looking at Step One - the facial cleanser. And what did I find?? Their lemon cleanser would make a better floor polish. It is heavy on lemon and also contains irritating balm mint oil, making it a problem for all skin types. As a member of the audience at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club was agreeing with me, he reminded the audience, hemlock is organic, but we wouldn't want to drink it!
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